
SDi Foundation

Public Resources

In this area you will find access to a variety of resources, old and new, which will enable you to gain an overview of Spiral Dynamics. 

These items come firstly from Clare W. Graves, representing some of the seminal origins of the theory, with indications of the deep research that led to it. 

Many more, mixing articles, video clips, graphics and audio segments, come from Don E. Beck and reveal how he built on those foundations, initially together with Graves and later in his own developments.  They take you further into the applications such as Organisational Development and Societal shift (notably South Africa).  

A final section contains some key additions to the work by the “second generation Gravesians“.

Member Resources

Member resources are intended for those who have previously certified at Level 1 and above.  There are more items that come from Don, some of which will provide reminders of the materials that were provided to trainees, and some of the original powerpoint presentations.  

There will be other items that are at a level suitable for those who have a suitable knowledge base, some of which will not be well known.  Some material represents Don at his peak, and may not have been seen by those who trained more recently.

There are also articles, audios and videos that have been created since then, by those who have taken the SDi work forward, or expanded it into particular areas of interest.  

To gain access, please register via the button below.  If you are already registered, please use the second button to log in.

Trainer Resources

Accredited trainers should please log in here to gain access to the library of training and support materials.

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