About the Foundation
Established to care for the future of Spiral Dynamics integral and the intellectual legacy of Dr Don Beck, the Foundation is dedicated to propagating the use of the Spiral Dynamics model and ensuring the authenticity and quality of trainings and materials. Below you will find some information about Don, and a brief summary of the work of Prof. Clare W Graves in creating this system.
The Foundation is legally a not-for-profit entity with its registration in Holland. You will also see below some information about its Board of Directors.

Clare W. Graves
Clare Graves was a professor at Union College, Schenectady. He wanted to answer the question from his students "Which of these psychological theories you teach is correct?"
He conducted 10 years of research, compiling the answers people gave to the question "What is a psychologically mature human being?"
The responses were analysed by independent assessors and over time were seen to fall consistently into a number of relatively distinct worldviews. These are the basis for the stages in the model. From those stages, Prof. Graves developed his theory of why these stages arise.
Based on an understanding of the nature of human responses to changes in our external conditions, he saw the core nature of an adaptive process. This he likened to Darwinian evolution of biological characteristics, and he developed the image of a double helix in which human values systems emerged responsively in parallel to the growth and complexity of life conditions. These systems are biological, sociological and psychological.
Each stage in development creates new conditions with new problems to solve. He saw that this will be a continuum, because humans will always be generating fresh conditions. That led him to describe human development as a Never-Ending Quest.
In the later part of his life Prof. Graves became ill. He went public with the essence of his work, but his full writings were not published until after his death, in the book "The Never-Ending Quest", compiled, edited and published by Christopher Cowan and Natasha Todorovic.
Don Beck, who met Prof. Graves in 1974, took up his work and with his support until his death in 1986 developed Spiral Dynamics in the form that we now recognise here.

Dr Don E. Beck
Don Beck was teaching at the University of North Texas at the time when Clare Graves brought his work to public attention. Inspired by what he saw, Don contacted him and worked with him to develop and apply the theory.
Don worked closely with Prof. Graves for the rest of his life, and also introduced his graduate student, Chris Cowan. This collaboration eventually brought forth the book "Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership, and Change". This remains the master text on SD theory.
Don had a lifelong interest in the causes of conflict, beginning with the US Civil War. This led to a lifelong project in South Africa, which he visited 63 times between 1986 and 1997, working with major industries and writing newspaper articles. The SD colour codes were introduced, with Graves' approval, in order to create an alternative classification to that of racial skin colour to support the understanding of mindsets in different segments of the SA population. The book "The Crucible: Forging South Africa's Future in search of a Template for the World" co-authored with Graham Linscott, documents the underlying analysis documents the thinking and activity and its strapline indicates the extent of Don's vision for that work.
Together with Elza Maalouf, Don later began a similar initiative in Palestine, which was unfortunately short-lived for funding reasons, but indicated his unflagging interest in the implications of the theory for large-scale change. He wrote regular columns on US politics and was involved with groups and initiatives in other countries, particularly the Netherlands where a Centre for Human Emergence convened around anti-Islamic tensions. He encouraged other countries to develop their own such centres.
Notwithstanding that primary focus, Don also consulted widely on organisational change, with significant involvement in shaping the development of South-West Airlines and Whole-Foods Market. In that organisational context he worked closely with Dr Itchak Adizes, and taught regularly at the Adizes Insitute for many years.
Although Don was less interested personally in individual development, coaching or "consciousness", he collaborated closely over the years with others in that field such as Ken Wilber, Dr Jean Houston, Dr Bruce Lipton, Barbara Marx Hubbard and the Conscious Evolution group of Evolutionary Leaders. He wrote a paper "The Colour of Constellations" relating to the work of Bert Hellinger. Many of today's practitioners continue aspects of that work, using Spiral Dynamics within leadership development and coaching practice.
Foundation Directors

Don E Beck II
Don’s work has focused on large scale infrastructure projects as part of a country’s overall long term development plans. Primarily across Southern Africa and Latin America, the probate both public and private with the ultimate goal being upliftment of the population. Don has lived in Namibia for 7 years using the country as a base of operations for the region with specific efforts around agriculture production and value add manufacturing. Being immersed in his father’s world has provided an invaluable insight into varying cultures as we all transition across the spiral.

Dr Rica Viljoen
Dr Rica Viljoen’s research on inclusivity gained widespread recognition for its potential impact in the field of Management, Spirituality and Religion. In 2008, the Academy of Management acknowledged her model as one of the ten most promising contributions to the field. Since then, this multiculturally sensitive, integral approach, which emphasises listening to the voices of the entire social system, has been successfully implemented in 42 countries, engaging more than 100000 participants. Rica was the founder member of Mandala Consulting a respected organisation dedicated to organisational development and research. She worked closely with the late Dr Don Beck and Dr Loraine Laubscher on geo-political trends and their impact on individuals and the organisations they belong to. She established the Centre of Human Emergence: Africa in 2008 and has become an international recognised thought leader in spiral dynamics and integral research. Rica is a master Organisational Development and Change expert and facilitator. She serves on various boards as director. She also joined the board of the Don Beck Spiral Dynamics Integral with the purpose to further the field of spiral dynamics in emerging economies. She is a senior research member in a project to revisit the Graves archives and the Ambassador for the Global South for the International Compassion Coalition. Rica is widely published. The book Spiral Dynamics In Action is translated in 9 languages. She consults to organisations in relation to Inclusivity, Culture and strategic HR issues. She is a post-merger and acquisition specialist. Rica is a sought after Jungian and Integral Executive Coach. Her purpose in life is to listen to untold stories and facilitate healing.

Auke van Nimwegen
Auke van Nimwegen, born in 1963, is an entrepreneur with a background in the ICT industry. Introduced to Spiral Dynamics in the early 2000s, Auke recognized its potential to articulate his intuitive understanding of organizational dynamics. After years of global experience as an ICT consultant, Auke founded Centior in 1997, focusing on entrepreneurship and human connection. Certified in Spiral Dynamics in 2005, he collaborated with Paul Zuiker to develop an online assessment system, leading to the establishment of ValueMatch in 2011. Today, Auke oversees ValueMatch, where he guides professionals in applying Spiral Dynamics principles to organizational contexts. His work continues to shape the field of organizational development, emphasizing the importance of human factors in business environments. Auke has worked with the Beck family and others to create the Don Beck Spiral Dynamics Integral Foundation and is active in authorizing new Spiral Dynamics certification trainers.

Jon Freeman
Jon Freeman has been working with Spiral Dynamics since 2006 and an accredited trainer since 2012. A generalist by nature, Spiral Dynamics wove together several strands of Jon's history. His career was in IT, systems and Organisational work for forty years, in major corporations across consumer goods, engineering, air transport and telecoms industries. In parallel he was active in self development, spiritual exploration, healing and intuition (embodied sensing) skills development. Now, besides SDi and Foundation work, where he is a master trainer and trainer-of-trainers, Jon is active in corporate development and leadership and as a coach/mentor. Some of that activity is through the consultancy Future Considerations, of which he is a Director. Jon is also developing the work of Relational Being, a radical approach to identity, embodiment and co-creation which takes forward all the elements of his background and builds on his various books, including "The Science of Possibility" and "Reinventing Capitalism" More details of Jon's work can be found by clicking on the picture or heading above.